We're a close team of creatives, designers & developers who work together to create beautiful, engaging digital experiences. We take pride in delivering only the best.


We're a close team of creatives, designers & developers who work together to create beautiful, engaging digital experiences. We take pride in delivering only the best.

C/S CENTER : 070-4901-5860

  • T. 041-561-7706~8 / F. 041-561-7773
  • - ~ : AM 10 : 00 ~ PM 06 : 00
    - , , ޹ Դϴ.
    - email :
    - ð ܿ Խ ٶϴ.


We're a close team of creatives, designers & developers who work together to create beautiful, engaging digital experiences. We take pride in delivering only the best.

Lets make things better

We're a close team of creatives, designers & developers who work together to create beautiful, engaging digital experiences. We take pride in delivering only the best.


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Design is how it works.

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

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Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.


A beautiful product needs to be complemented with a great branding. Our design team will help you create it



We pursue to be an elegant, beautiful brand with young, sophisticated hearts and mind.



We will not stick to social frame but carve our own way which was unnoticed by others. Also, we are going to make our own blue land.



Our definition of work is how much we enjoyed working rather than how many hours we worked. .



The purpose of JUHWANBIO.CELL is to pursue healthier and happier life.



Our company is opened, has expansion potentiality and positive attitude.



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ȯ̿. 2001 Ĺ ɼ ȭǰ , , ߶, Ǿƶ ڻ귣 Ī ODM Ż ַ մϴ. 2018 cGMP, Ǿǰ ǰɽǰ ϴ õ ɼ Դϴ.

Juhwan Bio.Cell Co., Ltd. In 2001, we started the development of special vegetable oil and functional cosmetic. We launched our own brand launching Beauhyang, Vallava ,Silala and have supported ODM total solutions, We are the cGMP certified natural material functional material research company that runs quasi-drugs and health functional foods business in 2018

̿ ũ(Biotechnology)

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Juhwan Bio.Cell Co., Ltd. is equipped with a effective ingredients maximizing biotechnology system from natural products (application of fermentation, enzymes, cultivation method and etc.) and a mass separation-purification production system using recrystallization method of efficacy substances. We study the efficacy substances such as immunity / anti-inflammation / whitening / cell regeneration metabolism activity and apply high functional bio-products.


ȯ̿. η ǰ Ƹٿ ġ ȿ ȭ (Encapsulation /Liposome/Liquid crystal Liposome / Multiple Liquid crystal Liposome) ȿ DDS ȭ, ڻ â ϳ DEB(Drug Elution Balance) Method PIT ɼ Ͽ ODM ο ôϰ ֽϴ.

Juhwan Bio.Cell Co.,Ltd optimize DDS of the efficacy material applying active ingredient stabilizing system (Encapsulation / Liposome / Liquid crystal liposome Multiple Liquid crystal liposome) to realize the value of human health and beauty. We are exploring new markets of ODM R&D through high functionality research and development using one of our unique technology, DEB (Drug Elution Balance) method and PIT method.

Ϸ (World-class Enterprise)

ȯ̿. â̰ ִ ɼ ̸ ̿ ǰ Һ 켱Ǹ ϰ ֽϴ. õ о߿ 䰡 ǰ ֽϴ. ɼ ȯ̿. Ϸ ǰ ϴ ǰ ߿ Դϴ.

Juhwan Bio.Cell's original and competitive high-functional materials development and applied products using it are realizing consumer preference with differentiation and excellence. The demand for original technology is increasing in all fields. Juhwan Bio.Cell, which is recognized as a leader in new functional materials, will do its best for continuous research and development with a dream of being the world's top-tier enterprise. em>
2017 CJø꿵 Ÿġ PBǰĪ, VALLAVA, Silara 귣 Ī
2016 , ѹ溴, ׵ũ
2015 ߱ SEWAME

()ȯ̿. 2001 Ĺ 2 ߰ , ߶, Ǿƶ ǰ Ī ODMŻ ַ մϴ.
2018 Ǿǰ ü ǰɽǰ ü õ ɼ Դϴ.

2014 ~
2014  /
2013 Ų ɾ ɼ ǰ
2012 λ 5 ȭǰ Ʈ
2011 귣 / ñ VL ʰ
2010 õ Ÿ Ϸ

ɼ ȭǰ Ż ַ

2009 ȭǰ Ű, ǰ ÷ ,ǰ 㰡Ϸ
2008 ISO 9001 ȹ /
2004 ѱ ȸ (161006598), ()ȯ̿. μ
2001 9 24 ȣ TB1Ĺ 2

ȭǰ , ɼ , ȭǰ ǰ --ǰ-Ǹ, ODM


Fotograpfy is a very clean and elegant free html5 bootstrap template perfect for professional photographers out there! Grab it now and share!



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We believe in a diverse range of personel to bring creative skills, thoughts, and ideas to the table.